Looking at the horrible scenes happening all around us today, one will wonder what exactly is happening. There are cases of cities in Haiti, Chile, eaten up and torn apart by volcanic eruption and heavy flood. We could see on internet the actualization of volcanic eruption. Flights to many parts of the world, especially to Europe were disrupted or cancelled because of the volcanic eruptions, several storey buildings were submerged and buried together with the occupants. Fire outbreak does not exempt itself from doing its worse; to kill, maim and destroy properties, thus making very many people to be homeless. It happened in Bangladesh.
Wars and rumors of war are other factors and happenings of the day tearing apart some nations of world- Afghanistan is not exempted, Sudan (Dafor) is there, Somalia is there, to mention but a few. Political impasse is tearing apart Iraq, Malaysia, Philistine etc.
This year, the whole world experience what is described as global weather/climatic changes. Rivers for dried up and vast number of water animal died in some part of the world. Rain does not fall at the time it is best needed, whenever it falls, it will be accompained by hail and storm and more so, result to heavy flood that usually destroy lives and properties. The funniest aspect of this is irrational attitudes and characteristics put on by human beings. Some don't behave as human being again but as animals . Ladies dressing as boys, Boys putting on earrings. Men marrying Men and vice versa. Some ladies and Women will dress half naked when their sensitive parts of the body are willingly exposed. Suicide bombers are in the world. They kill innocent people and destroy properties.
When all these are happening, it is just a pointer to the beginning of the end of the world as prophesied in the word of God. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of war; see that ye be not troubled, for all those things must come to pass, but the end is not yet". " For Nations shall rise against Nations, Kingdom against Kingdom; and there shall be famines and pestilence, and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows". Matthews 24:6-8.
If there is anything to go by, the advises we can get in the above verses of the Bible are; we should not be troubled or marveled simply because all those things are to be expected. Therefore, we ought to count ourselves to be lucky and to be alive and witness them. How do i mean? These give us the ample opportunity to adjust and mend our ways so that we can be fulfilled.
It is a grace and priviledge to be alive. The dead does not have priviledge. Therefore, we are not spared or prepared to be alive just because of butter and bread or because of what you become in the society,but we are spared and preserved to amend our ways so that we can be eligible to be partakers of the kingdom of God where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. For this, it now necessary for you to give your life to christ having decided to repent and forsake of your sins. Therefore, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour will give you the power over sins. Therefore, you will see sins, you will avoid it and run away. Sins will see and run away. Therefore, mending our ways means changing from our old ways to a new person. "If any man be in christ, old things are gone, new things are set in (2 COR 5:17).
This is possible only when a known robber, prostitutes, liars change these ways of sins and choose to be different person entirely. It is also possible if an idolary man, a backbiter, a dubious man, repents of these sins and become new persons. And when we can go by the expectation of God for us which is doing away with the following spelt out in GAL. 5:19. which are:-
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adulatory, fornications, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seduction, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness and ravelings", then we can become a new man entirely for we have purged ourselves of sins that make us dirty and paint us black before God and given our lives to our savior Jesus Christ."
Therefore, if you have accepted Christ into your life and given your life unto Him, here is the opportunity for you to do so. Tomorrow may be late. Accept Him today as your Lord and Saviour.
If you are ready for him, kindly say this prayer after me.
My God, i know that i cannot save myself. I confess all my sins. I now put my faith in your blood which you shed for me on the cross of Calvary to pay for my debt. I now put my trust in you that you will take me back to heaven.
I thank you that you have accepted me, Amen.