We are focused on people of every nation to be nurtured ,
acculturated and made ready to follow the pattern of life Jesus had come to lay
down for us and to live in Christ Jesus our Lord. This thus makes the sole
vision to be nothing but TURNING PEOPLE BACK TO GOD through our Lord and
saviour Jesus The Christ. The processes includes
3.Church planting
By this we focus on training people who are willing and
ready to follow the footsteps of our LORD and SaviourJesus Christ so that their
lives will not only bea challenge to the unbelievers but worthy of emulation.
May God help us in all our deeds in the focus of evangelism.
In summary we get involved in searching for the lost souls,
preaching the goodnews to the people of the World and wining them into the Gods
Teaching and bringing them back to the way of the Lord in
other word, bringing people back to God through Christ our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ .Rev.10:9-11.