Tuesday, 7 March 2017

The Only way to SALVATION

Prov.16:25- There are some ways seemeth right unto man the end of it is destruction.

             This is the word of God gently coming out to us. In this life, there are two major ways which people follow- (1) The wayof truth and (2) the way of destruction. These major ways are clearly defined in the scripture. Mt.7:13-14;..........For wide is the gate and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereout........ Narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
               On the narrow way which is the way of truth, few people are found there. They are the people who try to avoid sins at all cost. They do not compromise. They are Zombie to the will of God. They are the people who know the God they are serving. They don't covet other peoples properties. They are contended with what Gid gives them. They don't only think about things down here on earth but allow heaven to fill their thoughts COL.3:2). They are the people saturated with righteousness. Such are to go with Jesus on appearance in the sky. They are the people who do not seem to enjoy the food of the flesh which are sin. They don't sit side by side with backbiters; rumour mongers.
              They flee away on appearance of adultery and fornication. They hate idolatery. Sins are their enemies. On the wide way, we have there, the disobedients who choose to walk the way they like and do what they think is good and right but it is contrary to the will of God. The fornicators the adulterers derive certain satisfaction in their acts which make them to think it is right thing. But the Bible says in ll Cor.6:16"ye are the temples of the living God". God wants to live in you and He can not live in a dirty place where sins are harboured. Where God is supposed to be has been given to the agents of sins. Absolutely, these are against the will of God and such make it to be that such are on the wide road that lead to hell. Such can do what they like, they can embezzle, they can cheat, they can kill and maim. They don't care about law of God. They love sins and sins love them. They are married together. They go along the same together. But the Bible says no sinner will enter the kingdom of God. That means, nobody carrying the bag of sins will scale through unless such a person drop the bag of sins. Jesus loves the sinners but hate the sins they commit Jesus will only hate you if you are married with your sins. Now the best is to repent and forsake all your sins Once this is done then you have a new relationship with Him and you'll become a candidate of heaven.
              For you to be among those people you must do the following. The scripture says in Zech.4:6. "it is not by might nor by the power but by my spirit say the lord".  Your power, your might cannot deny sins neither can you get yourself out of the bondage of sin. There is somebody already prepared by the almighty God and set down here for your sake and for my sake. He had been loaded with redemption and salvation power. He is the only son of the Almighty father, He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He is Jesus. He is the only one who has the power to save you from the bondage of sin. He is the truth which people fail to know. You have to know him and accept him. John8:32 says "ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free." This simply shows us the fact that it is the few who surrender to the truth amd accepting the truth which is Jesus will simply mean denying anything that opposes to truth and righteousness. Doing this,  set you on that narrow way that leads to the kingdom of God. If you are set and make up your mind to accept Jesus as your Lord amd Saviour why dont't you join me in this prayer of faith or one similar to it. I know that i cannot save myself. I repent of myself, i repent of my sins and my faith in the blood that you shed for me on the cross to pay for all my sins. I now accept you as my Saviour and trust you to take me to heaven. Thank you for saving me amen.
                         If you have decided to trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour after reading this tract, please write and let us  know.