Monday, 27 February 2017

Returning back to the FATHER

 Actually, we were born into this world by a caretaker father having our father as the Almighty God who created heaven and the earth. The I AM that I AM, the beginning. The omniscience and omnipresence. The all wise and righteous God. There is no one like Him. He knew everyone before he made us. What we want to be, how we will be what he destined us to be, strictly lies in him.
          Amazingly, we always want to contend with our All knowing God, in knowledge, in might and in wisdom by turning our back on him and choose our own way. We like to be what we want to be rather than wanting to be what God wants us to be. God wants some to be teachers but they love to be lawyers. God wants some to work for him as an Evangelist in His vineyard but they love to be Bank Managers,"My thoughts are not your thoughts...."(ISAIAH 55:8).
          I want to swiftly make an assertion that we human beings are like a blind man having his naked eye open but do not see. A blind man only stays in one place for everything he does. Blind man does not see what goes on around him. He always eat whatever he is given. He is stagnant. He cannot move unless he is led to another place by someone who has got sight.
          That is why, we as blind men and women need the assistance of someone that will be in front and we follow. That our eye. He is in person of Jesus. In Mathew 20:29-34: The two blind men could only see after getting in contact with Jesus. They cried unto him, Jesus , the Son of David, have mercy on us. On getting the mercy of God, their divine sight followed. The two blind men secured the mercy of God and got back their sight.
          There was a case of a young man who was no more convenient and comfortable with the will of his Father, he had to demand for the share of his legacy. He thought to do it, manage his life and make it.
That is how many of us feel,
          Our gracious father has given us freewill to choose which way to take but have strictly given us instructions, regulations and command in his book of law just to moderate us. The young man turned his back to his loving father and made for the city to live his own life, to be free from chastisement of his father.
          We want freedom when we are not yet ripe for it. We want to be master when we are supposed to be under training.
          But contrary was to the expectation, everything turned upside down. Turning our back to our father simply means turning our back to the source of progress, Success, Breakthrough, Peace, Comfort etc.
          The young man the son of a rich man. Now became so hungry that even the cods with which he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything (Luke 15:16). This young man found himself in the school of wisdom. Stricken by hunger. This made him to come back to his senses. Now, he remembers the kind of enjoyments in his father's house. The type of food he used to eat, now struggling with the pigs to eat. He could not birth, the cloth had become torn and tattered. These were not father's house where he used to enjoy, ate the best. His eyes were opened wide that he had made a costly mistake by leaving his father's house. He could now see that he was eating with the pig and hungry. The best for him to go back to his father who is sufficient in grace in mercy and in materials. One thing is sure, whoever is in any form of sin, whether adultery, lies, murder, cigarette and indian hemp smoking, Fornication, stealing etc is blind. He eats and chops in the dust bin and thinks he is eating and sleeping in the place. He is eating dusts and sand but think they were smoking for fun and enjoyment but they do it to twist and stir the brain upside down, but when the eyes are opened, one will be able to see clear and mend the ways.
          The eyes of the young man opened and saw the actual position in which he was and wanted a change. Luke 15:18-19,"I will go home to my father and say father, i sinned against both heaven and you, please take me on as a hired servant".
          The young man did not stop at making up his mind to return back to his father but took a step of faith. One might have been struggling to do away with fornication, adultery, stealing, lying etc for so long but seems impossible. As you make your mind, you still find yourself in that thing, why don't you do as the young man? He took the step of faith and return back to the father who is readily waiting to receive and decorate him. The father of the young man saw him a far off and welcomes him to receive us sinners back home.
          Whatever might be your sin, he is ready to forgive and recieve you. Being in that your position. Now to return back to the father means coming back to life and being found.
          If you have not decided to go back to your father by giving your life to Jesus, you can do so now. I just decide to do as follows: Come back to your senses, know yourself as a sinner who can't save himself, take a step of faith and go directly back to Jesus here i am, Nobody before you, i am not worthy to be your son but make me as your servant. Jesus, receive me back home the prodigal son. This is a legacy you can't afford to miss.