The College


You are welcome the college zone of this outreach. Training College 
There are three main school in this college. Namely :

  • School of Practical Evangelism and Discipleship: This will run for six consecutive months.
  • School of Church Planters: This will run for Six months
  • School of Ministry: This will also run for another six consecutive months

This Bible college was established mainly for those people who are ready to live in Christ and be a vessel of honour to turning people back to God through Christ Jesus. This thus makes our sole vision to be nothing but TURNING PEOPLE BACK TO GOD THROUGH OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. This includes :
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Church Planting 
 By this, we shall focus on training people who are willing and ready to follow the footsteps of our Saviour Jesus Christ so that their lives will not only be a challenge to the unbelievers but worthy of emulation.

The Aims and Objectives of the College

The aims and objectives of the college is to discover the buried potentials of ministers of God ,church workers etc .who are yet to discover their calls and more so , to equip them with great task of the kingdom .

To raise up Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers ,Prophets and Apostles to work in the vineyard of God. To enable the participants to discover the treasures which God had deposited in them so that they are not wasted but rather be useful and worthy in the vineyard of God.

Therefore, at the end of the training courses , the college is expected to turn out the followings :

  • Viable evangelists having gone through the college of evangelism and Discipleship for six consecutive months.
  • .Viable church planters that are ready and capable of planting churches in villages and Cities, having passed through a six month training course in the college of church planters.
  •  Viable Apostles , Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers having passed through a six month a six month training course programme in the School of Ministry.

More so, the aims and objectives include: training of potential Christians or ordinary members of any church to be more useful in the vineyard of God so as to fulfil the divine mandate of the great commission. In order words, it will enable many to be aware of their callings and the ultimate expectation of God from them.

Click Here to download the complete Course Brochure of the College